Hachi: A Dog’s Tale

I’m starting a new series today.  English from movies or T.V.  I want to focus on one scene from a movie each week (two weeks?) and learn some basic English conversation from that scene.

When I first came to Japan 30 years ago (WOW!), I had too much time, and I often watched afternoon T.V. dramas.  I learned so much Japanese from that, I want you to try also.  Good luck!

Akita Inu has been in the news a lot lately because of Zagitalova’s request for a Akita inu pet.  The sales of Akita inu stuffed animals at Akita and Odate airports are sold out!

So, for our first scene, I have chosen Hachi: A Dog’s Tale, (2009), starring Richard Gere.    A remake of Hachikō Monogatari (1987).  Let’s see how you do.

Hey, boy. Hey, come on. Let’s go!Hachi! Hey boy!

I never met my grandfather. He died when I was just a baby. But when I hear about him and Hachi, I feel like I know him. They taught me the meaning of loyalty (忠実さ), and you should never forget anyone that you’ve loved. And that’s why Hachi will forever be my hero.

Oh, he’s happy to see somebody. Move along. Come on Hachi, let’s go!

Final title card:

The real Hachiko was born in Odate Japan in 1923. When his master, Dr Eisaburo Ueno, a professor at Tokyo University died in May, 1925.  Hachi returned to the Shibuya train station the next day and for the next nine years to wait. Hachiko died in March 1934. Today a bronze statue of Hachiko sits in his waiting spot outside the Shibuya railroad station.

Today, I want to focus on:

They taught me the meaning of loyalty.

○○taught me the meaning of ○○


Working on a farm taught me the meaning of hard work.

My mother taught me the meaning of responsibility.

President Trump is teaching us all the meaning of stupidity.

Let’s try it!