

Enjoying another of Akita's beauties . . .タイトルをクリックしてください

So, I had time to squeeze in a quick overnight camping trip to Kawarage Jigoku last night.  I came home from Honjo around 7:00, finished packing and  left around 8:00.  The road to Kawarage is closed for repair, so we drove to Doroyu Hot Spring and walked down the mountain with full backpacks.  By the time we got into bed, it was about 1:00 a.m.  Slept well, and then this morning had a beautiful and relaxing bath in the wild outdoors.   Made onsen eggs for breakfast, came back to Akita around 2:00, and taught three classes at home.  Just finished.  I'm exhausted, but mentally rejuvenated. I absolutely love the fall.  I think it's the most beautiful time of the year.   How about you?  

I must have done something good. (The Sound of Music)タイトルをクリックしてください

I'm back!  I hope you had a wonderful summer.  Today is cold and rainy.  Autumn is coming (here?). I want to start my movie series again, with a favorite scene from The Sound of Music.  I watched this movie over and over as a child.  This romantic scene, I didn't understand as a child, but I get it now. Perhaps I had a wicked childhood Perhaps I had a miserable youth But somewhere ln my wicked, miserable past There must have been a moment of truth For here you are Standing there loving me Whether or not you should So somewhere in my youth or childhood I must have done something good Nothing comes from nothing Nothing ever could So somewhere in my youth or childhood I must have done something good Do you know when I first started loving you? That night at dinner, when you sat on that ridiculous pine cone. What? I knew the first time you blew that silly whistle. Oh, my love. For here you are Standing there loving me Whether or not you should So somewhere in my youth or childhood I must have done something good Nothing comes from nothing Nothing ever could So somewhere in my youth... ...or childhood I must have done something Something good 何か良いことをしたに違いない。 きっと何か良いことをしたんだ。 例文: I must have forgotten to pay my electric bill, the power was shut off! I must have made a mistake, this doesn't add up. America must have done something terrible in it's past to get a president like Donald Trump! See you soon!    

Summer Vacation Bonusタイトルをクリックしてください

I went cycling yesterday, to Navel Park (へそ公園), Funoshi Waterfall, 60 km round trip.  Then time for a quick refreshing swim in the ICE COLD water!  Akita is so beautiful!!   I just wanted to share a few pictures with you.  Hope you're having a wonderful summer.   p.s.  congratulations Kanaashi Nogyo High School.  Good luck on Friday.  How exciting!  

JAWS (ジョーズ) (NOT ジョーンズ)タイトルをクリックしてください

  Today I'm going back to a classic summer movie, JAWS.  I remember the first time I saw this movie in 1975.  It scared me more than any other movie at the time. I love swimming and snorkeling in the ocean, but every time I do, I still have the image of JAWS in the back of my mind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2I91DJZKRxs Martin: You heard him, slow ahead! -- Slow ahead! I can go slow ahead! C'mon down and chum some of this shit! -- You're gonna need a bigger boat. Quint: Shut off that engine. Hooper: That's a twenty footer! Quint: Twenty five! And three tons of him! Today's phrase:  You're gonna need a bigger boat. You're gonna need a more powerful air conditioner for this summer heat! We're gonna need 4 days of nice weather for Kanto. I'm gonna need a break . . . .so Mark's Phrase is on summer break starting today.  See you in September. Have a great summer, but keep it safe. おまけ We're gonna need a new president, the one we have now is a DUD!

Solo (ハン・ソロ スター・ウォーズ・ストーリー)タイトルをクリックしてください

Today, I'm going to try something new.  This movie is still in theatres, so there are no scenes available on the internet.  We're going to watch the movie trailer (予告編) I spent a weekend in Otaru, Sapporo, last week.  It was raining, so we decided to spend some time indoors.  We went to this movie, which I enjoyed a lot more than my wife. I've been running scams on the streets since I was ten! I was kicked out of the flight academy for having a mind of my own.  I'm going to be a pilot, best in the galaxy. Hey kid, I'm putting together a crew,   You in?  urrrrrrRAAAAAHHH!  That's yes. I might be the only person who knows what you really are. What's that? Get ready. Thought we were in trouble there for a second, but it's fine, we're fine. It was a great movie, but I really love Star Wars.  It tells the story of how Han Solo got his start. Let's pick up a few phrases. I've been running scams on the streets since I was ten!  I've been living in Akita since 1987. I've been studying Japanese since I was 19. Trump has been making a joke of America since he was elected. I was kicked out of the flight academy for having a mind of my own. He was given a big bowl of umeboshis for winning the sumo tournament. I was married for love. Trump was kicked out of the White House for treason.  (my dream). I might be the only person who knows what you really are. I am  the only person in my family who lives in Japan. He seems to be the only teacher who understands my humor. Trump should be the only president to be arrested while in office.

Born on the Fourth of July (7月4日に生まれて)タイトルをクリックしてください

Last Wednesday was the 4th of July.  While I'm disappointed in the current president, I am still proud to be an American. Today's movie clip is from "Born on the Fourth of July" (1989) , starring Tom Cruise.  It's a true story about a Vietnam War veteran.  Tom Cruise gives one of his best performances, and was nominated for a best actor academy award. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xk5epHF844w I raised my rifle three times... and... shots... The body fell in the dunes  God, this is... this is very difficult for me to say. We don't have to hear this, Ron. But I think I was the one that killed your son. I was the one. I was the one. I was the one. What's done is done, sir. I can't ever forgive you... but maybe the Lord can. We understand, Ron. We understand the pain you've been going through. Let's pick up a few phrases. What's done is done. (終わったことは終わった。) The election is over, what's done is done. I took the test, what's done is done. This is a simple useful phrase.  We also say: No use crying over spilled milk. Next,  I can't ever forgive you... but maybe the Lord can. I can't ever remember all my nieces and nephews names, but maybe my wife can. I can't ever teach you enough English, but maybe these movies can. And finally, We understand the pain you've been going through. I think this phrase speaks for itself. If you have any good stories about this, please tell me this week.        

Coco リメンバー・ミータイトルをクリックしてください

Today, I want to use a very new movie.  Have you seen Coco? It will tug at your heart-strings. A PIXAR/Disney movie, Coco came to Japan this year.  It's based on the Mexican Day of the Dead Celebration. (死者の日)  If you haven't seen it, prepare to cry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgmgZmTMxms   Mama Coco, Your Papa... He wanted you to have this. Mama... wait... Remember me Though I have to say goodbye Remember me Don't let it make you cry For even if I'm far away - Look!  I hold you in my heart I sing a secret song to you Each night we are apart Remember me Though I have to travel far Remember me Each time you hear a sad guitar Know that I'm with you The only way that I can be Until you're in my arms again Remember Me Elena? What's wrong, mija? Nothing, Mama. Nothing at all. My Papa used to sing me that song. He loved you, Mama Coco. Your Papa loved you so much. I kept his letters. Poems he wrote me. And... Papa was a musician. When I was a little girl... He and Mama would sing such beautiful songs.   Today I will pick up two simple phrases from this dialogue. First, He wanted you to have this. Practice:  I wanted my friends to like me. Trump wanted everyone to vote for him. Everyone wanted Trump to disappear. Next, My Papa used to sing me that song. My children used to listen to me . . . My mother used to read me a book every night. My pants used to fit better??? I hope you can use these phrases this week in class.\     See you soon.