

You Can Never Go Home Againタイトルをクリックしてください

In Japan and America both, the concept of "home" (故郷) is very important.  But we have a phrase, you can never go home again.  It seems a little cold.  But basicically it means once you move away from home, you change, your town changes, your friends change, and you can never go back to how it was as a child. Last week, I taught a final class at Tomegawa Elementary School.  It will close this month.   A few months ago I also taught a final class at  Kawazoe Elementary School, which is also closing this month. Kawazoe happens to be the school my wife attended as a child. In this case "you can never go home again" is proving to be true. Tomegawa Elementary School: IMG_2234 (1024x768) Kawazoe Elementary School: IMG_2196 (1024x768) Akita is number one in Japan for decreasing population.   Do you have any ideas on how we can reverse this trend? Here is the school I attended as a child. Mapleton Elementary School. vintage_mapleton

I Got A Good Dealタイトルをクリックしてください

A "good deal", is something of value for a very reasonable price. I got a really good deal on these tires. If you go to the supermarket after 8:00 p.m. you'll get a great deal on bread and meat. Black Friday is the best day to get good deals in America. President Franklin Roosevelt gave all Americans a new deal (ニューディール政策)in the 1930's. The reason I chose this phrase for today is, I got a really good deal on a bicycle yesterday.  I can't wait for spring to finally get here so I can start riding. Hope you can all find some good deals this week. IMG_2232 (1024x768)

Happy Valentine's Dayタイトルをクリックしてください

  "I Love You" is such a simple phrase! Then why is it so hard for many of us to say? Here are 10 different ways to say "I Love You".  I hope you can use some of them today.

  1. You complete me.
  2. I can't live without you.
  3. You're my soul mate.
  4. Whenever I'm with you, I'm home.
  5. I can't live, if livin' is without you.  (click here)
  6. With you, forever won't be long enough.
And finally four romantic movie quotes: 7.  Some people are worth melting for(Olaf, Frozen) 8.  You're so stupid Rose,  why did you do that?  You jump, I jump right.  (Jack, Titanic) 9. You meet thousands of people, and none of them really touch you, then you meet one person, and your life is changed.  Forever. (Love and other drugs) 10. You had me at hello. (Dorothy, Jerry Maguire) Of course the best way to say "I love you" is not to say it, SHOW IT! Happy Valentine's Day

My Little Demon, or The Beast In Meタイトルをクリックしてください

Last Wednesday was Setsubun in Japan.  It gave us all a chance to think about casting out our own little inner demons. Then I went to Omoriyama Zoo on Saturday and thought about the beast in me. (自分の中の獣)  Sometimes he escapes his cage . . . especially when I'm driving!IMG_2220 (1024x768) IMG_2221 (1024x768)IMG_2218 (1024x768) "The Beast In Me" Johnny Cash The beast in me Is caged by frail and fragile bars Restless by day And by night rants and rages at the stars God help the beast in meThe beast in me Has had to learn to live with pain And how to shelter from the rain And in the twinkling of an eye Might have to be restrained God help the beast in me

Sometimes it tries to kid me That it's just a teddy bear And even somehow manage to vanish in the air And that is when I must beware Of the beast in me that everybody knows They've seen him out dressed in my clothes Patently unclear If it's New York or New Year God help the beast in meThe beast in me
We had a great time at the zoo, if you have a chance, they're open every holiday and weekend during the winter.  Many of the animals are much more active than in the summer.  Here are a few more pictures.
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Get Off Your Butt!タイトルをクリックしてください

Last week's Phrase, "Take A Load Off", is used for relaxing, but too much relaxing is not good for anyone right?  Balance in all things. Get off your butt.  Is often used by parents when their kids are sitting watching TV or playing too many video games.  It means GET UP!,  DO SOMETHING! Get off your butt and do your homework! You can't just sit there all day, get off your butt and help me! If you want me to get off your back, get off your butt!get off your butt On Saturday, my friends and I went out snowshoeing in the beautiful wilderness of Yuwa.  We walked for more than 3 and a half hours.  I was physically exhausted, but mentally rejuvenated.IMG_2203 (1024x768) IMG_2209 (1024x768)So let's all get off our butts, and make the world a better place.

Take A Load Off!タイトルをクリックしてください

  IMG_2186 (1024x768)This is a very casual way of asking someone to sit down.  After a long hard week, I'm really enjoying my free weekend when I can take a load off and watch some old movies.  Here are a few examples: You've been working all day, why don't you take a load off and have a drink. Grab a chair, take a load off. stay awhile. Take a load off and tell me what you've been doing these days. A variation is also  used to say "Don't worry." Take a load off your mind. Look at these test results, this should take a load off your mind. I hope you were able to take a load off and enjoy a relaxing weekend. Now are you ready to start a new week?   Here's a great song about "taking a load off", from 1968, The Band singing The Weight.   IMG_2187 (1024x768)

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