It's September. Summer vacation is over, so I'm back. Did you have a nice August? Mine was very hot and boring. Nothing special, just a few trips to Oga, and some cycling. I hope next summer is better . . . will we finally be free of Covid 19? Recently, I've been talking about "phrasal verbs" in some of my classes. A simple verb can have a completely different meaning when used in a phrase with other words. The first two are: Look after and take after. To look after something means to take care of it. Here are 5 sentences.
July was full of stress for me, how about you? I had a speech to give at the end of the month, so I spent most of the time worrying, not preparing. Also, I was worried about the resurgence of Covid 19 throughout Japan and the world, add to that some family issues. It made for a very stressful month. I finally finished the speech on the 25th, and my classes are on Summer schedule now, I can finally RELAX! Here are a few phrases about stress.
I was asked to give a speech to the 秋田英語ボランティアガイド「よくきたんすなの会」 on Saturday. The title is, "The Good points of Akita from the eyes of a foreigner". I've been looking through my old photos, searching my memory, and asking my students what they think the good points of Akita are. Actually, this week, I think the best point of Akita is that we have no new Covid 19 cases. These days I feel like I may never want to leave Akita again. I've been living in Akita for 35 years now, much longer than I lived in America, so it's hard for me to look at Akita with fresh eyes to see the good points. Sometimes I guess I focus too much on the bad points, like anyone does in their hometown. I'm glad I have this chance to think again about the positive aspects of Akita. Here are some pictures I've found from my history in Akita. The first photo I took in Akita is a little shocking. I was living in a small apartment in Izumi, and there was a house fire on the day I arrived. This is my first photo: But it got better after that. Old Akita Station Ekimae My first Azaleas in Senshu Park And of course, the best thing about Akita for me. Akita has changed so much, but I haven't changed a bit! When my family visited for the first time, I wanted to show them the best parts of Akita, and here are a few of the places we visited. Senshu Park Suishinen Wisteria blossoms Amasagi Yuen Kanto Museum But as usual, the best part of Akita is the people. I had a barbecue party at my house and my family had a great time meeting my friends. Do you remember Swiss Mura? My first family camp in the wilds. Swimming at the beach with my first child. and at Oga for my first time. Akita was so nice, we decided to build a house and stay. And finally, a few random memories: Kawarage Jigoku camping Hawaii? . . . no, Noshiro, Enajium Park Natsuze Onsen, Dakigaeri Keikoku Migaeri Waterfall Akata no Daibutsu Senshu Park Wisteria A sad goodbye to my daughter Now she lives in Kyoto. Climbing Mt. Chokai with some students. Climbing Mt Taihei alone. The kindness of strangers, the goodness of Akita People . . . it's a long story, ask me someday. Kawarage Jigoku in Autumn Minato Festival And finally, a beautiful sunset taken from my car window on my drive back from Honjo. I drove their once or twice a week for 30 years, and finally stopped last March. There are so many more memories, that I could go on forever, but I hope this gives you a little positive outlook during these dark days of Corona. There are so many places we can "GO TO" in Akita, no need to leave.
I'm sorry for missing all of June. I was finally busy again. Almost all of my classes returned to "new normal". On top of that, I was feeling a little down about the return of Corona, President Trump's dishonesty, and the racial problems in America. I celebrated the 4th of July last Saturday with very mixed emotions. I hope the coming year will be better for America and the world. On the bright side, my beautiful niece was married today in Texas. I have missed most of my nephew and niece's weddings because I live so far away, but this time I was able to attend online. Since none of the family in America could attend either, they decided to have an online wedding. Many things have moved to online these days. Many teachers and students are doing online classes. There are online drinking parties, online business meetings, the list is endless. Have you changed to anything online? I tried a few lessons online, but it was difficult to really connect with my students. With the upsurge of Corona in Tokyo, I'm a little worried that I may have to return to online classes again. Let's continue wearing masks, and try to keep Corona out of Akita!
So, today is my second and final post on animal words. Let's start.
I want to completely forget about Corona Virus for awhile, so today, I will focus on animals. It seems basic, but there are some interesting word differences related to animals. Today we will learn 10 of them. In Japanese, 一匹、二匹、子猫、子犬、群れ。 English is a little more difficult.
体験レッスン、見学もZOOMでどうぞ。 How are you all doing? I've been thinking about how to move ahead with my classes in this "new normal". Today I will test out ZOOM for online lessons with my children's class. Starting Monday (May 11th), I will resume the normal schedule in the classroom, BUT, I will also offer a ZOOM connection if you want to join online. The choice is yours. You can download ZOOM here. If you want to join by ZOOM, please email me and I will send you an invitation and password for the class. It's really easy. Give it a try.