Long time no see! I have been off this page since JULY!!! Sorry! I'm doing all right, but a week after my last post (Are we over the hump?), a huge rainstorm and flood hit Akita. It was devastating for many people. We were safe by 3 cm, but many in our neighborhood and Akita were not so lucky. I kind of lost my drive to put up new information. I hope this year will be better.
I was born in the year of the dragon 辰年です。I will turn 60 this year. I can't believe it!
I was surprised for how symbolic the dragon is, how few idioms there are. I will post a few here for you:
Is the worst of Covid-19 over? What do you think? I hear news about the "9th wave" coming soon, but at the same time, mask mandates have stopped, most of the kids in school aren't wearing masks, and many countries have declared that the worst is over. I'm not so sure.
How about inflation? While it is still going up in Akita: higher gas prices, taxi fares, food, electricity etc, It has started to go down in the USA for the first time in three years. It gives me hope that Japan will follow soon.
Today I want to teach you a few phrases about "over the hump":
Today's BGM:
Out of the Woods
Taylor Swift
https://youtu.be/FEzj8K1cL6wI'm still on the fence about what to replace our old fence with. In the meantime, as promised, here are a few idioms about hedges.
月謝:小学生 4,500円 中学生 ¥5,000
Do you have a fence around your house? . . .a hedge?
My home has had a tall metal fence around two sides for the last 20 years. Suddenly in February, it was torn down without any warning. Our house is fully exposed to the world. I feel NAKED!
We have been thinking about what to put up in place of the old fence. There are many pros and cons to both fences and hedges. Please give me some good advice.
In the meantime, here are a few phrases, idioms about fences and hedges.