Before my computer crashed last year, I was planning on talking about the new 10% sales tax in my next post. Unfortunately, my computer was down for three months, and now it's "old news". Oh well, better late than never right? On October 1st, the Japanese sales (consumption) tax, went up from 8% to 10%. I was wondering how this compares to other countries. Here are a few to compare. For a complete list, look here. The highest is, Bhutan, 50%!!! The lowest is, Oman and the USA, 0%!!! (see below). These countries are all the same as Japan, at 10%: Afghanistan Australia Cambodia Comoros Djibouti Haiti Indonesia Japan Laos Malaysia Mongolia Papua New Guinea Paraguay Solomon Islands Somalia South Korea Suriname Vietnam Here are some of the highest countries, at 24-27%: Hungary Croatia Denmark Norway Sweden Finland Greece Iceland While the USA doesn't have a national sales tax, there is a state sales tax that differs from state to state. Click here to see a complete list. Alaska is 0%. (but there are some local taxes). California is the highest at 7.25%. My home state, Utah is 4.85%, confusing!! What do you think of the new tax? More on this next week. Today's BGM,
As many of you know, I was born in Samoa. Even though I don't have many memories, I feel a strong connection. I had a Samoan conch horn in my home in America. I often blew on it. A few months ago, I found this conch shell in a used shop in Akita, and decided to make my own horn. After watching a few "how to" videos on YouTube, I started. Cutting through the shell was much more difficult than I imagined. It took over an hour and I tried out many different kinds of saws. Finally I was able to look inside. Next I drilled out the core to make an opening. Here is the final product. [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="http://mj-eikaiwa.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/200125_1429325.mp4"][/video] So what do you think? I'm satisfied. I'm still practicing and getting better little by little. I'll show you this week.
As promised, Happy New Year, Part 2. Rats. I found many more idioms about rats than mice. Here are a few.
So sorry for the long absence, my old computer started dying in October, and was completely dead in November. It has taken this long to buy and learn to use my new computer. I'm beginning to look like this: But at least I'm back. Thanks for waiting. So, since last time, Happy Halloween: Happy Thanksgiving: Merry Christmas: Happy Star Wars: And finally, Happy New Year! Hope next year is wonderful for all of you, and for Japan . . . OLYMPICS!! Next year I will keep up my phrase page much better. I promise!
Congratulation to Japan on their unexpected victory over Ireland last Saturday! The next game is Japan VS Samoa. As some of you know, I was born in Samoa . . . long ago. Although I don't have any memories from that time. I always have a soft spot in my heart for the land of my birth. So with this in mind, I will be cheering for Samoa this Saturday. Good luck to both teams. May the best team win! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DC8MiS-0zbY A few beautiful photos of Samoan landscape.
TOFAAs promised two weeks ago, today's topic is "back to work". Is fall a busy time for you? It is for me! All the schools seem to pack these four months full of classes, plus every weekend I have weddings. Here are some common phrases we use when talking about going back to work, especially after a vacation.